The Laboratory of Systematic Botany and Ecology of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (LaBosystE, University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon), specialises in the ecology and taxonomy of African tropical plants, particularly those of the Orchidaceae and Rubiaceae family of which it houses the largest collection of live specimens.

The team is also characterised by its involvement in important scientific projects at both the national and regional levels.

Specifically, the team:

  • (i) participates in environmental impact assessments in Cameroon and Gabon (floristic inventories, vegetation mapping, assessment of the IUCN conservation status, ex situ conservation);
  • (ii) establishes and monitors a network of permanent plots in Central Africa (AfriTRON; www.afritron.org and IRD; metadata of IRD plots);
  • (iii) established the first reference herbarium in Yaoundé for the identification of trees in Central Africa;
  • (iv) maps biomass and forest typology through high-resolution field inventories and satellite images (in collaboration with IRD).

Through its many skills, the LaBosystE participates in the implementation of the DYNAFAC collective’s activities.