The goal of the North Congo Forest Landscape Project "NCFLP", funded by AFD and FFEM, is to ensure the maintenance of ecological continuums and the preservation of biological diversity in territories in Northern Congo (departments of Likouala, Sangha and the northern part of the West Basin, i.e., a global area of intervention of about 8.5 million ha), while supporting the socio-economic development of indigenous peoples and local communities and integrated land-use planning.

Presentation of the NCFLP project

The main goal of the NCFLP's “land-use planning” component is to continue the dynamic of sustainable forest management, both in forest concessions that do not yet have validated management plans and in those already implementing their management plans.


three parts

Capacity-building of the National Centre for Forest and Fauna Inventory (CNIAF)

  • updating tools for the assessment and control of land-use planning (LP); 
  • providing instructions for land-use documents;
  • controlling and monitoring the implementation of LPs, including management plans (MP), Community Development Series (CDS) and the MPs of conservation series (CS).

Capacity building – training of forest companies

  • training courses on "reduced impact logging" (RIL), on tree cutting, skidding, road tracing activities…;
  • training on certification systems: with an overview of the main certification schemes, the implications of implementation and perhaps the completion of mock audits by companies to prepare them for their certification processes;
  • training on LP implementation on aspects related to the management of CDS and CS.

Forest plots

This component aims to assess the effects of sustainable management, as defined in Congolese law and implemented by forest companies, on the preservation of massifs. Targeted activities include:

  • monitoring the effect of logging on stand reconstruction by supporting annual inventories of the Mokabi plot, the installation and monitoring of a new trail at the IFO;
  • installing a fire monitoring system in the Marantaceae forest area and measuring recovery after the fires;
  • computerising field teams to create inventories,
  • providing assistance to the involved Congolese partners and/or students in their participation in the annual P3FAC workshops.