With almost 1.5 million hectares of forest concessions in the Congo and Gabon, Rougier Africa International brings together all the Group’s industrial and commercial activities related to the sustainable management of the natural forests of the Congo Basin.

As an integrated actor, Rougier and its subsidiaries Rougier Gabon and Mokabi control the entire wood production chain from forest concessions to customers, importers and manufacturers. Their products are marketed worldwide.

Mokabi S.A., a subsidiary of the Rougier Group based in northern Congo, operates 586,000 ha of forests for a production of about 100,000 m³ of logs per year and employs around 350 people. In accordance with its deliberate policy of responsible forest management, the Group is implementing land-use plans on all its concessions. In April 2015, Mokabi obtained VLC (Verification of Legal Compliance) certification for all its forestry operations in the Congo. It is also certified LS, “Legal Source”.

Rougier Gabon, a subsidiary of the Rougier Group based in Gabon, operates almost 895,000 ha of forest for a production of about 300,000 m³ of logs per year and employs around 1,200 people. In line with its deliberate policy of responsible forest management, the Group is implementing land-use plans on all of its concessions. It has been certified ISO 14001 "environmental management" since 2004 and FSC® (good forest management certification) since 2008

The Rougier Group supports research activities for sustainable forest management by installing and monitoring the DYNAFAC collective's research plots in each of its subsidiaries.